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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


The Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 60 (2017), No. 2. (October), Page 31

Abstract: Aramco Research in Support of Unconventionals

Dr. Dan Georgi

Unconventional Resources are seen as a key contributor to Saudi Arabia's domestic energy source for electricity generation and water desalination. The investment by Saudi Aramco in unconventional light hydrocarbon resources will reduce the Kingdom's reliance on liquid fuels for utilities and will provide petroleum feedstock for a growing petrochemical industry. Certainly the unconventional work being done in the Kingdom is already benefiting from the experience gained by operators in North America; however, given the fact that there are many fewer well penetrations in Saudi Arabia than in North America, locating and optimizing production with the drill bit is not a viable option for development of unconventional source rock reservoirs. Considering these obstacles and considerable future opportunities, technology development and research support is being provided from both Saudi Aramco's domestic research organization and the Aramco Research Center in Houston. This work involves a multi-disciplinary team consisting of reservoir engineers, geologists, geochemists, chemists and physicists. Evaluation techniques include a combination of high resolution imaging, NMR, vapor adsorption, geochemical analysis and core analysis to identify potential productive source rock reservoirs to quantify hydrocarbons in place, estimate flow rates using reservoir simulation and predict EUR.

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Dan Georgi is recently retired from Houston Aramco Research Center where he was the Reservoir Technology Team Lead for team of multi-disciplinary scientist and engineers focused on hydrocarbon production from tight source-rock reservoirs. Dan worked for Baker Hughes for more 22 years in many positions and was the first Baker Hughes Technology Fellow. He served as the Vice President of Baker Hughes' Regional Technology Centers and started the Dhahran Research and Rio de Janeiro Technology Centers. Prior to Baker Hughes he was the Director of Research at Core Laboratories, then part of Western Atlas International. Dan also worked for 10 years at Exxon Production Research Company and Esso Resources Canada Limited in various positions in research and formation evaluation.

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