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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


The Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 60 (2018), No. 5. (January), Page 13

Abstract: Tell a Story with Purpose — Importance of Powerful Messaging in 2018

Derek Blanchard1

Geologists are natural storytellers and creative problem solvers. In 2018, powerful storytelling is more important than ever. Whether creating your brand, pitching to stakeholders, or posting on social media, you must be a powerful storyteller. The digital world doesn't move fast, it moves at lightning speed! Today almost every person has access to a digital camera. A child can pick up a phone, and edit a polished video with music and titles. But what separates the average person from what you must do is telling your story with purpose. Derek's talk will cover his approach to impactful video making and the importance of brand messaging in the modern world.

Biographical Sketch

Derek Blanchard is the founder of Derek Blanchard Content, a digital marketing company that specializes in brand storytelling. He is a digital photo and video expert with a mission of "telling stories with a purpose". He has worked with organizations such as AAPG, Moroch Partners, ET Media and countless oil and gas forums at home and abroad.

He graduated with a BFA in Film & Television from AAU in San Francisco and has created documentaries and advertisements around the world in places like Turkey, Kenya, Syria, and the UAE. Derek grew up in the Middle East as an oil and gas kid. After turning away from his destined path in the industry to become a filmmaker the oil and gas industry pulled him right back in to do what he loves.

Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Derek Blanchard: Derek Blanchard Content

Copyright © 2018 by HGS (Houston Geological Society)