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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


The Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 60 (2018), No. 9. (May), Page 17

Abstract: History of Oil in the Middle East

Ken Henry

This year is the 110th anniversary of the first oil discovery in the Middle East. Oil was first discovered in Iran in 1908 and followed by discoveries in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. This presentation covers the history of the discoveries in these countries. The geology in the Middle East is also unique due to the high permeability reservoirs allowing for some of the highest flow rates of any wells in the world. The world's largest oil field is the Ghawar Field has the capacity to produce over 6 Million BBLS per day. One of the challenges of the reservoirs in Saudi Arabia is the large volume of water required for water injection in order to maintain production with the increasing water cut. An overview of the geology and the cause of this high permeability will be shown.

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Biographical Sketch

Ken Henry graduated from Purdue University in 1970 with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He joined Schlumberger after college as a wireline field engineer. Early in his career Ken was manager in Montana and Midland Texas wireline districts. In 1980 he was prompted to Marketing Manager for the Middle East, based in Saudi Arabia. In this role he gained first-hand experience with some of the largest oil fields in the world as he traveled throughout the Middle East. In 1986 he transferred to Thailand and then to Indonesia and Malaysia as East Asia Marketing Manager. Ken returned to Houston in 1991 as the Asia and Middle East expert at the Schlumberger International Coordination office until 1999 when he took early retirement.

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