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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


The Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 61 (2019), No. 9. (May), Page 13

Abstract: Oil and Gas Records in 2018

Raoul LeBlanc1

2018 set a new record, both in oil and in gas, for growth in production from shales and tight rocks. At the same time, the oldest shale plays are in decline and important questions about the physical and financial sustainability of the resource remain. This session will explore the factors driving shale output and the physical and corporate constraints that work to limit its scale. We will review the following areas in an interactive way y exploring the data in real time:

  • Spatial patterns of quality/sweet spot identification

  • Development over time and migration of activity

  • Influence of oil/gas split on well productivity and GOR rations over time

  • Evolution of well design (lateral length, completion intensity) and correlation to productivity

  • Competitive landscape - majors, independents and privates

Biographical Sketch

Raoul LeBlanc is a Vice President on the IHS Financials team evaluating the dynamic North American onshore arena.

As a veteran of the industry and a former partner at PFC Energy, Raoul brings 20 years of experience in strategic and industry analysis. Familiar with a wide range of corporate and market issues, he has extensive experience on issues related to North American independents, upstream assets, and natural gas markets. From 1997-2006, Raoul worked at Anadarko Petroleum. During his tenure there, he directed the company's Strategic Planning effort, which assumed responsibility for strategy formulation, portfolio optimization, scenario planning, and competitor analysis. He also worked on the company's Mergers and Acquisitions team, evaluating and modeling financial results, operational performance and E&P corporate valuation.

Prior to Anadarko, Raoul was a senior oil analyst at Energy Security Analysis, a market analysis consulting company in Washington, DC where he held responsibility for Asian markets and worldwide distillate fuels.

Raoul has worked and studied in Japan, the Western Pacific, and Britain. He holds an undergraduate degree from Georgetown University and an M.A. in Energy and International Relations from the School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University.

Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Raoul LeBlanc: IHS Markit

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