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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


The Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 62 (2019), No. 2. (October), Page 33

Abstract: Update on the TBPG from the Executive Director

Rene Truan1

For Professional Geoscientists in Texas, the past year has been a trying time. From the recommendation for the abolishment of the P.G. license and the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists by the Sunset Commission staff to the positive recommendations from the Sunset Commission. As of September 1st, the TBPG has five years to prepare for another Sunset review. Again our future will hang in the balance.

Rene D. Truan became the new Executive Director of the TBPG on February 15, 2019. He will be our guest speaker at our October meeting. Come and hear from him as he provides an update on the TBPG since coming out of the recent legislative session. In addition, he will tell us “where we are headed” from the perspective as the TBPG Executive Director.

This would be a great time to come with questions and suggestions. In order for us to move forward as Licensed Professionals, we need to be informed and prepared to address the concerns of the Sunset Commission.

Biographical Sketch

Rene Truan currently serves as the Executive Director of the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists (TBPG). Mr. Truan has over 30 years’ experience in state government, 20 of those in Executive Leadership positions. The majority of his career was serving as Deputy Previous HitLandNext Hit Commissioner for the General Previous HitLandNext Hit Office and Veterans Previous HitLandNext Hit Board under 4 different Texas Previous HitLandTop Commissioners. In this capacity, Mr. Truan was responsible for overseeing all surface and subsurface activities related to the leasing, sale, development and protection of state lands and minerals. Mr. Truan also served the Texas Inspector General for Health and Human Services as the Management Director responsible for implementing strategies to improve the process of investigating Fraud, Waste, and Abuse cases in Texas. Mr. Truan joined the Board of Geoscientists in March of this year and helped guide the agency and governing board through the 86th legislative session. Mr. Truan attended the University of Texas and Texas State University with degrees in Public Administration and Economics. He is also a graduate of the UT LBJ School’s Executive Development Program and the International Transformative Leadership Program. Mr. Truan has been married for 16 years and lives in Austin with his wife and two daughters.

Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Rene Truan: Texas Board of Professional Geologists

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