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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Abilene Geological Society


Geological Contributions, 1956
Pages 22-25

Tannehill Petroleum Company Newell Waterflood Project Shackelford County, Texas

James E. Russell


Waterflooding the Tannehill sandstone underlying the Newell Lease in Shackelford County, Texas, can be considered a success. Pilot operations were commenced in May, 1952 by the Tannehill Petroleum Company. Performance of the Pilot Previous HitFloodTop was encouraging and a decision to proceed with full-scale development was made early in 1954. By the end of 1956 the project had been extended to cover 393 acres and presently includes productive acreage on the Newell, Moberly and Jeter Leases. Production was increased as a result of water injection from 20 barrels per day to a peak rate of 498 barrels per day or 25 times the rate under primary operations.

Oil recovery as a result of water injection has amounted to 286, 446 barrels as of December 31, 1956. Engineering estimates indicate a recovery of approximately 800,000 barrels as a direct result of water flooding the area presently developed. This recovery is in addition to that obtained through primary production methods.

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