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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Alaska Geological Society


Journal of the Alaska Geological Society, third volume. Proceedings of the 1982 Symposium: Western Alaska Geology and Resource Potential, 1983
Pages 1-14

Present Day Plate Boundaries in Alaska and the Arctic

David B. Stone


Alaska is generally considered to be part of the North American plate, but the western boundaries of this plate are not well determined. It is proposed here that the Aleutian trench boundary countinues smoothly through Kamchatka and Siberia to join up with the Arctic Ocean spreading center, thus requiring the Okhotsk area to be a separate plate. It is also tentatively suggested that the margin of the Canadian Arctic continental shelf represents a very slow moving deformational plate boundary. If this is real, then part of the Arctic Ocean and the Bering Sea would form a new plate. The style of plate boundary that exists in the northeastern Gulf of Alaska is also problematic, and may represent a subduction zone in the process of moving seaward.

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