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Douglas W. Hilchie
Introduction Chapter 1: Resistivity and SP Interpretation Fundamentals Review Chapter 2: The Lateral Curve Chapter 3: The Normal Curve Chapter 4: The Electrical Log (ES) Chapter 5: Electrical Log Departure Curves Chapter 6: The Microlog Chapter 7: Porosity from the Short Normal Chapter 8: The Limestone Device Chapter 9: Salt Mud Surveys - Laterologs and Microlaterologs Chapter 10: The Old Gamma Ray and Neutron Logs Chapter 11: The Electrical Log and Pulsed Neutron Capture Logs Index Symbols Selected References
Chapter 1: Resistivity and SP Interpretation Fundamentals Review
Chapter 2: The Lateral Curve
Chapter 3: The Normal Curve
Chapter 4: The Electrical Log (ES)
Chapter 5: Electrical Log Departure Curves
Chapter 6: The Microlog
Chapter 7: Porosity from the Short Normal
Chapter 8: The Limestone Device
Chapter 9: Salt Mud Surveys - Laterologs and Microlaterologs
Chapter 10: The Old Gamma Ray and Neutron Logs
Chapter 11: The Electrical Log and Pulsed Neutron Capture Logs
Selected References