Title Page
Section 1: Introduction
Roland von Huene
Section 2: Improvement of Seismic Images of Complex Tectonic Structure in Deep Water with Research-Level Processing Sequences
John Miller and Roland von Huene
Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: Forearc Margin, Central Aleutian Ridge
David W. Scholl, Jill McCarthy, and Holly Ryan
Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: Aleutian Trench, Shumagin Segment, Seismic Section 104
Terry R. Bruns and Roland von Huene
Section 3: Displays of Deismic Sections: The Eastern Aleutian Continental Margin
Roland von Huene, Michael Fisher, and John Miller
Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: The Central Oregon Continental Margin, Lines WO76-4 and WO76-55
Parke D. Snavely, Jr., Roland von Huene, Dennis M. Mann, and John Miller
Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: The Middle America Trench
Barclay P. Collins and Joel S. Watkins
Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: Costa Rica Continental Margin: Line CR-7
Thomas H. Shipley and Richard T. Buffler
Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: The Peru Continental Margin, Record Sections 2 and 3
Roland von Huene, Lavern Kulm, John Miller, and Donald Hussong
Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: The New Hebrides Trench, Lines 1 and 12
Michael A. Fisher and H. Gary Greene
Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: Convergent Margin Off East Coast of North Island, New Zealand, Parts I and II
F. J. Davey, K. Lewis, J. R. Childs, and M. A. Hampton
Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: The Nankai Trough Margin, Record 55-8
T. Kawamura and Y. Aoki
Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: The Japan Trench: Line ORI 78-4
Roland von Huene, Raymond Culotta, Noriyuki Nasu, and Yutaka Aoki