Electronic Index of AAPG Special Publications:

SG51: Sequence Stratigraphy, Paleoclimate, and Tectonics of Coal-Bearing Strata

Edited by Jack C. Pashin and Robert A. Gastaldo

Sequence Stratigraphy of the Glenshaw Formation (MiddleLate Pennsylvanian) in the Central Appalachian Basin
Ronald L. Martino

The Constraints of Glacial Eustasy and Low Accommodation on Sequence-stratigraphic Interpretations of Pennsylvanian Strata, Conemaugh Group, Appalachian Basin, U.S.A.
Gregory C. Nadon and Russell R. Kelly

Coal Buildup in Tide-influenced Coastal Plains in the Eocene Kapuni Group, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
Romeo M. Flores

Atokan and Early Desmoinesian Coal-bearing Parasequences in Indiana, U.S.A.
Erik P. Kvale, Maria Mastalerz, Lloyd C. Furer, Donald W. Engelhardt, Carl B. Rexroad, and Cortland F. Eble

Temporal Changes in Coal-bearing Depositional Sequences (Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian) of the Central Appalachian Basin, U.S.A.
Stephen F. Greb, Donald R. Chesnut Jr., and Cortland F. Eble

Chronostratigraphic and Depositional Sequences of the Fort Union Formation (Paleocene), Williston Basin, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana
Peter D. Warwick, Romeo M. Flores, Douglas J. Nichols, and Edward C. Murphy

Sequence Stratigraphy and Coal Petrology Applied to the Early Permian Coal-bearing Rio Bonito Formation, Paran Basin, Brazil
Michael Holz and Wolfgang Kalkreuth

Sequence Sets, High-accommodation Events, and the Coal Window in the Carboniferous Sydney Coalfield, Atlantic Canada
Martin R. Gibling, K. I. Saunders, N. E. Tibert, and J. A. White

Cyclothems of the Black Warrior Basin, Alabama, U.S.A.: Eustatic Snapshots of Foreland Basin Tectonism
Jack C. Pashin

Erect Forests Are Evidence for Coseismic Base-level Changes in Pennsylvanian Cyclothems of the Black Warrior Basin, U.S.A.
R. A. Gastaldo, I. Stevanoviรง-Walls, and W. N. Ware