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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Ardmore Geological Society


The Geology of the Ouachita Mountains Symposium, 1959
Pages 130-139

Age Classification of the Upper Pushmataha Series in the Ouachita Mountains1

Bruce H. Harlton


In the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma and Arkansas, there is a clastic succession of over 13,000 feet of sediments, of which the age classification has been a matter of debate. The rocks have been generally regarded as Mississippian and early Pennsylvanian age. This paper is particularly concerned with the age assignment of the Johns Valley shale. The shales within the Johns Valley with typical "Caney and Goddard" type lithology are considered to be a normal depositional sequence over a wide area. A discussion of the various "bouldery" shales is also presented.

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