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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Geological Work in the Southwest
Charles N. Gould
Coastal Salt Domes
William Kennedy
The Humble (Texas) Oil Field
Alexander Deussen
The Saline Domes of Northwestern Europe
W. A. I. M. Von Waterschoot van der Gracht
Notes on the Texas Permian
W. E. Wrather
The Vertical Component in Local Folding
James H. Gardner
The Granites of Kansas
Charles H. Taylor
Hints to Prospective Geologists
J. A. Udden
An Outline for a Type Report on An Oil Field
W. C. Kite
North-South Correlation of the Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma
Edward Bloesch
Observations on Post-Permian Deposits in North-Central Oklahoma
Edward Bloesch
Some Effects of Capillarity on Oil Accumulation
A. W. McCoy
Significant Features of Western Coal Deposits
Charles T. Kirk
Oil and Gas Possibilities in Mississippi
A. F. Crider
Oil Development in Colombia, South America
K. D. White