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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Subsurface Geology of the Oil Districts of North Central Texas

Jon A. Udden

Description of Cuttings from the Duffer Wells, Ranger Field

Charles R. Eckes

Geologic Structure and Producing Areas in North Texas Petroleum Fields

Wallace E. Pratt

The Bend Formation and Its Correlation

G. H. Girty

Oil-Bearing Formations in Texas

J. A. Udden

Explorations in China

M. L. Fuller

Notes on the Structures and Oil Showings in the Red Beds of Coke County, Texas

J. W. Beede

Observations on Two Deep Borings Near the Balcones Faults

J. A. Udden

Preliminary Paper on the Stratigraphy of the Pennsylvanian Formations of North-Central Texas

Frederick Byron Plummer

Water Problems of the Bend Series General Discussion

M. L. Fuller

A Review of the Development in the New Central Texas Oil Fields During 1918

W. G. Matteson

The Extent and Interpretation of the Hogshooter Gas Field

Walter R. Berger

The Bend Series of Central Texas

Raymond C. Moore

Sulphur Mining

John L. Henning

Unconformities in Oklahoma and Their Importance in Petroleum Geology

Edward Bloesch

The Relations of Stratigraphy and Paleogeography to Petroleum Geology

Charles Schuchert

Structural Conditions in the Oil Fields of Bexar County, Texas

E. H. Sellards

Some Oil Field Waters of the Gulf Coast

G. Sherburne Rogers

Design for Logmeter

Geo. E. Burton

Observations on the Bend in Bough No. 1 in Brown County

V. V. Waite, J. A. Udden

Some Physical Principles of the Origin of Petroleums

Chester W. Washburn

Notes on the Stratigraphy of Panama and Costa Rica

Donald F. MacDonald

Essential Factors in the Valuation of Oil Properties

Carl H. Beal

The Principles of Natural Gas Land Valuation

Eugene Wesley Shaw

Problems of Oil Lease Valuation

Ralph Arnold

A Statistical Investigation of the Effects of Structure upon Oil and Gas Production in the Osage

Shirley L. Mason

Age of the Bend Series

George H. Girty, Raymond C. Moore

Decline Curve Methods

Roswell H. Johnson


H. B. Goodrich


George E. Burton