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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Decline and Production of the Ranger Field
E. A. Stephenson (), H. R. Bennett ()
A Summary of the Canadian Foothills Belt
Wesley Purdy ()
The Relation of the Buried Granite in Kansas to Oil Production
Raymond C. Moore ()
Some Factors of Central American Geology that may have a Bearing on the Origin of Petroleum
Donald F. MacDonald ()
Preliminary Notes on the Geology and Structure of the Amarillo Region
Chas. N. Gould ()
New Oil and Gas Development in Oklahoma
C. W. Shannon (), F. G. Rockwell ()
The Underground Position of the Ellenburger Formation in North Central Texas
E. H. Sellards ()
Barrel Costs Vs. Well-day Costs
Roswell H. Johnson (), A. W. Foster ()
Geological Problems in the Recovery of Oil and Gas in Kentucky
Willard R. Jillson ()
Possibility of Oil and Gas in Montana
J. P. Rowe ()