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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Natural Coal Tar Mistaken for Oil Residue
George C. Martin
New Oil Fields of the Los Angeles Basin, California
Ralph Arnold, Wayne Loel
Remarks on Subsurface Contouring
Edward Bloesch
The Midway Limestone of Northeast Texas
Wallace C. Thompson
Organic Material of Carbonaceous Shales
Colin C. Rae
A Preliminary Study on the Recovery of Oil by Sinking Shafts and Driving Galleries
Louis Franklin
W. E. Wrather
Wildcat Oil Exploration in South-Central Arkansas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. W. Rubey
El Dorado Oil Field in Arkansas not on an Anticline: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
K. C. Heald, W. W. Rubey
The Fox Oil and Gas Field, Carter County, Okla.: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Willis Storm
Oil "Showing" in Granite in South Africa Explained: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
K. C. Heald
Properties of Typical Crude Oils from the Producing Fields of Kansas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
E. W. Dean, M. B. Cook, A. D. Bauer
The Haynesville, Louisiana, Field: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
L. P. Teas
A Method of Distinguishing Fused Cores: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Clarence S. Ross
Oil in Middle Ordovician in Indiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
K. C. Heald
Is the Stapleton Pay of the El Dorado Field, Butler County, Kansas, Ordovician or Mississippian in Age?: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
A. E. Fath
Oil Well in Scotland: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Sidney Powers
The Necessity for Engineering in Developing Oil and Gas Properties: DISCUSSION
Ben K. Stroud
Is it Injurious to Close In an Oil Well?: DISCUSSION
K. C. Heald