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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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A Brief Outline of Some Oil-Accumulation Problems
Alex W. McCoy
The Effect of Gravitational Compaction on the Structure of Sedimentary Rocks
Hollis D. Hedberg
Oil Prospects in Northeastern China
Myron L. Fuller , Frederick G. Clapp
Oil Prospects of the Desert Basin of Western Australia
Frederick G. Clapp
Oil Prospects of the Northwest Basin of Western Australia
Frederick G. Clapp
Preliminary Report on the Geology of the Oil Fields in North (Russian) Sakhalin
Giichiro Kobayashi
The Results of Oil Prospecting on Sakhalin Island by Japan in 1919-25
I. P. Tolmachoff
Two New Salt Domes in Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Wallace E. Pratt
Short Cuts in Picking Out and Sectioning Foraminifera: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Floyd, Helen Hodson
Original Source of Oil in Colombia: DISCUSSION
Otto Stutzer
Unusual Natural Gases: DISCUSSION
Walter B. Lang
Oil Possibilities of the Black Hills Region: DISCUSSION
W. W. Rubey
Oil Possibilities of the Black Hills Region: ERRATUM
E. G. Sinclair