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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Construction, Theory, and Application of Magnetic Field Balances
C. A. Heiland
Schweydar-Bamberg Types of Eotvos Torsion Balance
C. A. Heiland
Torsion-Balance Principles as Applied by the Original Eotvos Torsion Balance
George Steiner
Oil and Gas Prospects of New Zealand
Frederick G. Clapp
Mechanics of the Balcones and Mexia Faulting
Lyndon L. Foley
The Problem of the Natural Reduction of Sulphates
Edson S. Bastin
Phantograph Model: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. K. Cadman
Unconformities in the Pennsylvanian: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Henry Hinds
Barometric Leveling: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Henry A. Ley
Geophysics at Colorado School of Mines: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Max W. Ball
Oklahoma Survey, Seventh Field Conference: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Chas. N. Gould