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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Faulting in the Rocky Mountain Region
J. S. Irwin
Miocene Paleogeography in the Central Coast Ranges
R. D. Reed
Buried Hills Near Mannsville, Oklahoma
C. W. Tomlinson
The Correlation of the Permian of Kansas, Oklahoma and Northern Texas
Charles N. Gould
Texas Jackson Foraminifera
J. A. Cushman, E. R. Applin
Minnesota's Oil and Gas Possibilities
Clinton R. Stauffer
The Kevin-Sunburst Oil Field, Montana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
K. C. Heald
Age of Producing Horizon, Rice County, Kansas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Henry A. Ley
The Sheridan Test, Ellsworth County, Kansas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Henry A. Ley