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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Thomas Oil Field, Kay County, Oklahoma
Stuart K. Clark
Diamond Drills and Diamond-Drill Equipment for Oil Structure Investigation
Robert Davis Longyear
The Geologic History of the Panuco River Valley and Its Relation to the Origin and Accumulation of Oil in Mexico
Earl A. Trager
The Relation of Foraminifera to the Origin of California Petroleum
Thomas F. Stipp
Diamond Drilling near Kerens, Navarro County, Texas
F. W. DeWolf, Paul T. Seashore
Were Diatoms the Chief Source of California Oil?
George M. Cunningham
An Experiment with a Drop Auger
Charles H. Row
Origin of the Faults in Creek and Osage Counties, Oklahoma: DISCUSSION
E. L. Ickes