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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The Significance of Structure in the Accumulation of Oil in Tennessee
Ralph G. Lusk
Flank Production of the Nemaha Mountains (Granite Ridge), Kansas
C. R. Thomas
The Turkey Mountain Lime Pools, Oklahoma
Paul Ruedemann, H. E. Redmon
Structural Conditions in Portions of Eastern Ohio
Kenneth Cottingham
Geology of the Saginaw Oil Field, Michigan, and Discussion of Michigan's Oil Prospects
Charles Gordon Carlson
Ordovician Correlations in Oklahoma
Fanny Carter Edson
The Proofs of the Carbon-Ratio Theory
William L. Russell
New Producing Horizon in Wabash County, Illinois: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Gail F. Moulton
Important New Developments in Southwestern Indiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Gail F. Moulton
Marine Eocene Deposits on the East Slope of the Venezuelan Andes: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. P. Woodring
Effect of Gravitational Compaction on the Structure of Sedimentary Rocks: ERRATUM
Charles E. Straub