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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The Monterey Shale of California at Its Type Locality with a Summary of Its Fauna and Flora
G. Dallas Hanna
Nepheline Basalt in Richland Parish Gas Field, Louisiana
Ian Campbell , A. D. Miller
Possible Distillation of Oil from Organic Sediments by Heat and Other Processes of Igneous Intrusions; Asphalt in the Anacacho Formation of Texas
Charles Laurence Baker
The Depth of the Base of the Trinity Sandstone and the Present Attitude of the Jurassic Peneplain in Southern Oklahoma and Southwestern Arkansas
Frank A. Melton , F. H. McGuigan
An Altered Volcanic Ash from the Cretaceous of Western Kansas
George R. Pinkley , Robert Roth
The Occurrence of Feldspar in California Sandstones: DISCUSSION
R. D. Reed
Stratigraphy of the Weatherford Area, Oklahoma: DISCUSSION
Hastings Moore, L. B. Snider
Origin of the Folds of Osage County, Oklahoma: DISCUSSION
Howard W. Kitson