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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Geology of Southwestern Mendoza Province, Argentina
Kenneth Aid , A. J. Bauernschmidt, Jr.
Stratigraphy of Weatherford Area, Oklahoma
Noel Evans
Experiments Relating to the Results of Horizontal Faulting
Robert Wesley Brown
Ventura Avenue Oil Field, Ventura County California
F. W. Hertel
Origin of the Sespe Formation of South Mountain, California
Philip W. Reinhart
Minerals of Sespe Formation, California, and Their Bearing on Its Origin
Vincent P. Gianella
Foraminiferal Section Along Adams Canyon, Ventura County, California
Herschel L. Driver
An Extension of the Rose Dome Intrusives, Kansas
W. H. Twenhofel , Bernard Bremer
Rainbow City Field, Union County, Arkansas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. C. Spooner
Production in East Carroll Parish, Louisiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. C. Spooner
Deep-Well Temperatures in Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Charles N. Gould
Loss of Red Color of Rocks: DISCUSSION
Gail F. Moulton
Faulting in Thomas Field, Kay County, Oklahoma: DISCUSSION
S. K. Clark