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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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History of the Carboniferous Sediments of the Mid-Continent Oil Field
M. G. Cheney
Stratigraphy and Structure of the Smoky Hill Chalk in Western Kansas
William L. Russell
Local Subsidence in Western Kansas
William L. Russell
Resume of Discoveries and Developments in Northeastern Texas in 1928
Sidney A. Judson
Cretaceous-Eocene Unconformity of Venezuela
W. F. Jones , W. L. Whitehead
En Echelon Tension Fissures and Faults
Theodore A. Link
Capitan Limestone and Associated Formations of New Mexico and Texas
E. Russell Lloyd
Hotchkiss Superdip: A New Magnetometer
Noel H. Stearn
Use of Mercury for Determination of Volume of Rock Specimens in Russell Porosity Apparatus
W. B. Gealy
Correlation of the Brownstown (Restricted) Formation of Arkansas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Merle C. Israelsky
Masjid-I-Sulaiman Oil Field, Persia Gypsum Flowage in Persia:
Sidney Powers
Cap Rocks of Oil Sands: DISCUSSION
Sidney Powers
Unconformity at Top of Trenton in Lima, Indiana, District: DISCUSSION
Walter A. Ver Wiebe