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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Petroleum Potentialities of Gulf Coast Petroleum Province of Texas and Louisiana
Donald C. Barton
Salt Flat Oil Field, Caldwell County, Texas
L. F. McCollum, C. J. Cunningham, S. O. Burford
Geologic Section of Rio Grande Embayment, Texas, and Implied History
F. M. Getzendaner
Test-Pit Exploration in Coastal Plain of Sumatra
Olaf P. Jenkins
"Lower Pliocene" in Eastern End of Puente Hills, San Bernardino County, California
Roscoe E. , Katherine C. Stewart
Does Petroleum Form in Sediments at Time of Deposition?
Parker D. Trask , C. C. Wu
Origin and Environment of Source Sediments of Petroleum Deposits
J. D. Haseman
Secondary Salt-Dome Materials of Coastal Plain of Texas and Louisiana
Marcus A. Hanna
Glen Rose Gas Production in Northeast Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Dugald Gordon