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AAPG Bulletin
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Geology of Southwest Ecuador
George Sheppard
Summary of Results Obtained to Date by the American Petroleum Institute Research Investigation on the Origin and Environment of Source Sediments: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Parker D. Trask
Basement Rocks in Shell-Humphreys Well, Pecos County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
E. L. Jones, Jr., Russell C. Conkling
Origin of Cave-Ins in Wallace County, Kansas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
M. K. Elias
Small En Echelon Fractures in Santa Barbara County, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
R. D. Reed
Highest Taylor Chalk in Jacksonville, Texas, Embayment: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. A. Reiter
Second Congres International de Forages: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
F. O. Martin
World Engineering Congress: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
F. O. Martin
Geophysical Methods of Prospecting in the Union of Socialistic Soviet Republics: ERRATUM
B. Numerov
Magnetometer Study of Caddo-Shreveport Uplift, Louisiana: DISCUSSION
Douglas M. Collingwood
Author's Reply: DISCUSSION
William M. Barret
En Echelon Fault Belts: DISCUSSION
Frank R. Clark