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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Transverse Section of Permian Basin, West Texas and Southeast New Mexico
Lon D. Cartwright, Jr.
Deep Sand Development in Cotton Valley Field, Webster Parish, Louisiana
J. S. Ross
Geothermal Variations in Oil Fields of Los Angeles Basin, California
Anders J. Carlson
Geology of Vermilion Creek Gas Area in Southwest Wyoming and Northwest Colorado
W. T. Nightingale
Contribution to Salt-Dome Problem
F. M. Van Tuyl
Use of Airplane Photographs in Geologic Mapping
Walter A. English
Example of Deflecting Diamond-Drill Holes
Robert Davis Longyear
Use of Thin Bentonite Beds in Mapping Structure, Rosencranz Area, Kansas and Colorado: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Charles H. Rankin, Jr.
Stratigraphic Names: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
T. W. Stanton
Sulphur Dome, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
A. J. Bauernschmidt, Jr.
Magnetometer Study in Louisiana: DISCUSSION
B. B. Weatherby
Prospective Oil Territory in Turkey: DISCUSSION
Djevad Eyoub