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AAPG Bulletin
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Pennsylvanian Overlap in United States
A. I. Levorsen
Relation of Certain Foreign Faunas to Midway Fauna of Texas
Julia Gardner
Some Effects of Metamorphism on Certain Debris in Source Rocks
Taisia Stadnichenko
Black Shale Deposition in Central New York
Edward W. Hard
Minnelusa Formation of Beulah District, Northwestern Black Hills, Wyoming
F. Howard Brady
Can Absence of Edge-Water Encroachment in Certain Oil Fields Be Ascribed to Capillarity?
J. Versluys
New Productive Horizon in California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Walter Stalder
Recent Subsidence in Hamilton County, Kansas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
N. W. Bass
Discovery of Oil in White Point Gas Field, San Patricio County, Texas, and History of Field: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. Armstrong Price
Mechanics and Geology: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Lyndon L. Foley
Heavy Dutcher Oil in Bristow District, Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Charles G. Carlson