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AAPG Bulletin
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Standards in Correlation
J. E. Eaton
Individualism of Orogenies Suggested by Experimental Data
Theodore A. Link
Stratigraphy of Permian Beds of Northwestern Oklahoma
Noel Evans
Bacterial Genesis of Hydrocarbons from Fatty Acids
Lewis A. Thayer
Effects of Underground Storage Conditions on Characteristics of Petroleum
Paul W. Prutzman
Hockley Salt Shaft, Harris County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
L. P. Teas
Drilling for Geophysical Data in Yellowstone National Park: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Sidney Powers
Yeager Clay, South Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Julia Gardner, A. C. Trowbridge
Pennsylvanian Overlap: DISCUSSION
Carey Croneis
On the Disgrace of Useful Science: DISCUSSION
J. E. Eaton
Cretaceous Limestone as a Petroleum Source Rock in Northwestern Venezuela: REPLY TO DISCUSSION
R. A. Liddle, Hollis D. Hedberg