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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Geology and Development of Oklahoma City Field Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
D. A. McGee , W. W. Clawson, Jr.
Proration at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Harold S. Thomas
Genesis of Oil by High Radial Axial Pressure
Kunio Uwatoko
Rule of Density of Oils: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Karl Krejci
Water Encroachment in Bartlesville Sand Pools of Northeastern Oklahoma and Its Bearing on East Texas Recovery Problem: ERRATUM
D. R. Snow
Time-Equivalent Versus Lithologic Extension of Formations: DISCUSSION
F. A. Melton
Time-Equivalent Versus Lithologic Extension of Formations: REPLY
J. Edmund Eaton
Time-Equivalent Versus Lithologic Extension of Formations: REPLY
F. A. Melton