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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Frederic H. Lahee
Character of Producing Sandstones and Limestones of Wyoming and Montana
John G. Bartram
Water Encroachment in Bartlesville Sand Pools of Northeastern Oklahoma and Its Bearing on East Texas Recovery Problem
D. R. Snow
Geological Application of Bottom-Hole Pressures
C. V. Millikan
Interpretation of Bottom-Hole Pressures in East Texas Oil Field
E. V. Foran
Improved Technique for Determination of Densities and Porosities
H. R. Brankstone , W. B. Gealy , W. O. Smith
Factors Involved in Segregation of Oil and Gas from Subterranean Water
Jan Versluys
Probable Age of Aptychus-Bearing Formations of Cuba: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
J. Whitney Lewis
High Island Dome, Galveston County, Texas: ERRATUM
M. T. Halbouty
Regional Structure of Cretaceous on Edwards Plateau of Southwest Texas: ERRATUM
Lon D. Cartwright