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AAPG Bulletin
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East Texas Oil Field
H. E. Minor , Marcus A. Hanna
Distribution of Oil Pools in Kansas in Relation to Pre-Mississippian Structure and Areal Geology
John L. Rich
Driscoll Pool, Duval County, Texas
I. R. Sheldon
Preservation of Oil During Erosion of Reservoir Rocks
Geo. Edwin Dorsey
Classification and Nomenclature of Rock Units: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
G. H. Ashley, M. G. Cheney, J. J. Galloway, C. N. Gould, C. J. Hares, B. F. Howell, A. I. Levorsen, H. D. Miser, R. C. Moore, J. B. Reeside, Jr., W. W. Rubey, T. W. Stanton, G. W. Stose, W. H. Twenhofel
Permian Algal Reef in South Park, Colorado: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
J. Harlan Johnson
Overturned Beds in Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Robert H. Dott
Permeability, Its Measurement and Value: ERRATUM
Review of Tertiary Stratigraphy of Louisiana: DISCUSSION
Hugh D. Miser
Review of Tertiary Stratigraphy of Louisiana: REPLY
Alexander Deussen