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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Geology and Occurrence of Natural Gas in Amarillo District, Texas
Victor Cotner , H. E. Crum
Role of Diastrophism in Topography of Corpus Christi Area, South Texas
W. Armstrong Price
Paradox Formation of Eastern Utah and Western Colorado
A. A. Baker , C. H. Dane, John B. Reeside, Jr.
Simple Principles of Efficient Oil-Field Development
H. D. Wilde, Jr. , F. H. Lahee
Cretaceous Sediments in Crowleys Ridge, Southeastern Missouri: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
F. E. Matthes
Clastic Facies and Faunas of Monterey Formation, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
J. Edmund Eaton