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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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B. B. Weatherby
Relations of Geophysics to Geology
Paul Weaver
Some Possible Applications of Geothermics to Geology
C. E. Van Orstrand
Earth Resistivities at Depths Less Than One Hundred Feet
W. D. Keller
Radioactivity of Soil Gases
Lynn G. Howell
Magnetic and Torsion-Balance Survey of Munich Tertiary Basin, Bavaria
Donald C. Barton
Magnetic Vector Study of Kentucky and Southern Michigan
W. P. Jenny
Granite and Limestone Velocity Determinations in Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma
B. B. Weatherby, W. T. Born, R. L. Harding
Applications and Limitations of Dip Shooting
E. E. Rosaire , Joseph L. Adler
Corrections for Temperature in Barometric Surveying: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
John L. Rich
Formulas for Calculating Stratigraphic Thickness Exposed Between Two Dips: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
E. L. Ickes
Evolution of Petroleum: DISCUSSION
Donald C. Barton