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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Natural Gas and Oil in India
D. Dale Condit
Natural Gas Fields of Burma
L. Dudley Stamp
Geology of Huntington Beach Oil Field, California
Hoyt S. Gale
Factors Governing Estimation of Recoverable Oil Reserves in Sand Fields
O. L. Brace
Base Exchange in Relation to Composition of Clay with Special Reference to Effect of Sea Water
W. P. Kelley , G. F. Liebig, Jr.
Section of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Rocks Measured at Cinnabar Mountain, Park County, Montana, and at Mount Everts, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Charles W. Wilson, Jr.
Difficulty of Using Cartographic Terminology in Historical Geology: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
R. M. Kleinpell