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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Subsurface Stratigraphy of Kettleman Hills Oil Field, California
Paul P. Goudkoff
San Joaquin Clay, California
W. F. Barbat , John Galloway
Oil-Producing Horizons of Gulf Coast in Texas and Louisiana
Alexander Deussen
McFaddin-O'Conner, Greta, Fox, Refugio, White Point, and Saxet Fields, Texas
A. E. Getzendaner
Mississippian of Colorado
A. E. Brainerd , J. Harlan Johnson
Discovery of Valentine (La Rose) Dome, Louisiana, by Reflection Seismograph: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
George S. Buchanan
Occurrence of Siderite in Cap Rock at Carlos Dome, Grimes County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
F. W. Rolshausen
Jamin Effect in Oil Production: DISCUSSION
J. Versluys
Jamin Effect in Oil Production: REPLY
Randall Wright