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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Geology of Texas Panhandle Oil and Gas Field
Henry Rogatz
Resume of St. Peter Stratigraphy
Fanny Carter Edson
Government Wells Oil Field, Duval County, Texas
John Trenchard , J. Barney Whisenant
Subsurface Data on Covington County, Mississippi
William O. George , Harry X. Bay
Notes on the Vicksburg Group
C. Wythe Cooke
Glacial Expression of Structural Features in Michigan: Preliminary Study
Robert B. Newcombe , George D. Lindberg
Oligocene Tumey Formation of California
E. R. Atwill
Petroleum Geology of Central Sedimentary Basin of Uruguay
Victor Oppenheim
Apparent Recent Crustal Movement at Western End of Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma
M. M. Knechtel , H. E. Rothrock
Discovery of Oil and Gas in Mercedes Field, Hidalgo County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. Armstrong Price
Talihina Chert Section at Atoka, Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Permeability of Unconsolidated Rocks: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Frederick G. Tickell
Discovery of Oil at Big Medicine Bow Anticline, Carbon County, Wyoming: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
C. E. Shoenfelt