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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Principal Physiographic Provinces of Mexico
Ezequiel Ordonez
Dawson and Laramie Formations in Southeastern Part of Denver Basin, Colorado
C. H. Dane , W. G. Pierce
Ordovician Fossils From Upper Part of Type Section of Deadwood Formation, South Dakota
W. M. Furnish , E. J. Barragy , A. K. Miller
Stratigraphy of Arkansas-Oklahoma Coal Basin
T. A. Hendricks , C. H. Dane , M. M. Knechtel
Evidence of Recent Movements Along Faults of Balcones System in Central Texas
Frank Bryan
Search for Oil in Murefte, Turkey: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Cevat Eyub Tasman