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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Development of Porosity in Limestones
W. V. Howard , Max W. David
Geomorphology of Gulf Coast Salt Structures and Its Economic Application
C. H. Ritz
Summary Digest of Geology of Trinidad
H. G. Kugler
Permian and Pennsylvanian Sediments Exposed in Central and West-Central Oklahoma
Darsie A. Green
Possibility of Oil and Gas Production from Paleozoic Formations in Europe
W. A. J. M. van Waterschoot van der Gracht
Geology of the Tampico Region, Mexico: DISCUSSION
M. P. White
Geology of the Tampico Region, Mexico: ERRATUM
John M. Muir
Graphic Method for Determining True Dip from Two Components: DISCUSSION
John L. Rich
Eocene Paleogeography of Southern California: ABSTRACT
Ralph D. Reed
Correlation of the Claiborne of Southwest Texas with the East Texas Section: ABSTRACT
H. B. Stenzel
The Geology of the Chittim Anticline, Maverick County, Texas: ABSTRACT
F. M. Plummer
The Stratigraphy and Structure of the Pearsall Field, Frio County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Oscar Champion
Migration of Oil: ABSTRACT
M. G. Cheney
The Northeast Texas Fault Line: ABSTRACT
Dilworth S. Hager
The Geology of San Nicolas Island, California: ABSTRACT
Luis E. Kemnitzer
Notes on the Stratigraphy of the Sespe Creek-Piru Creek Area: ABSTRACT
H. D. Hobson, W. D. Rankin
Geoelectric Exploration in the Tejon Ranch Area, California: ABSTRACT
J. J. Jakosky, H. K. Armstrong
The Geology of the Eastern Half of the San Joaquin Hills, Orange County, California: ABSTRACT
Francis D. Bode
Connate Water in Oil Sands: ABSTRACT
Howard C. Pyle
Geological Causes of Poor Reflection Records: ABSTRACT
Frank Rieber
Progress of Geologic Branch of the California State Division of Mines: ABSTRACT
Olaf P. Jenkins
Migration of Oil Along Fault Zones: ABSTRACT
Bruce L. Clark
The Sycamore Canyon Formation: ABSTRACT
Max L. Krueger
Geology of the Outfall Sewer Tunnel, Palos Verde Hills: ABSTRACT
J. R. Schultz
Relation of the Type Santa Margarita to the Type Monterey, California: ABSTRACT
J. Edmund Eaton
The Stratigraphy of the Tesla Quadrangle near Tracy, California: ABSTRACT
Arthur S. Huey
Eocene Paleogeography in Southern California: ABSTRACT
Ralph D. Reed
Geological Prospecting in New Guinea: ABSTRACT
W. E. Heater
Arts is Long and Time is Fleeting: ABSTRACT
Harry R. Johnson