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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Marine Unconformities, Marine Conglomerates, and Thicknesses of Strata
W. H. Twenhofel
Movements of Ground Water
O. E. Meinzer
Salt-Dome Statistics
George Sawtelle
Conroe Oil Field, Montgomery County, Texas
Frank W. Michaux, Jr. , E. O. Buck
Oil Pool of Open Reservoir Type
John Emery Adams
Source Material for Petroleum and Natural Gas
Wilber Stout
Age of Mississippian "Ridgetop Shale" of Central Tennessee
Charles W. Wilson, Jr. , E. L. Spain, Jr.
Price of Crude Oil in Perspective
Joseph E. Pogue
Nomographic Solution for Apparent Dip in Vertical Section not Perpendicular to Strike: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Curtis H. Johnson
Geology and Geophysics Showing Cap Rock and Salt Overhang of High Island Dome, Galveston County, Texas: ERRATUM
Michel T. Halbouty
Gondwana Rocks and Geology of Petroleum of Southern Brazil: DISCUSSION
Victor Oppenheim