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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The Present Tectonic State of the Earth
Hans Stille
Geology and Bitumens of the Dead Sea Area, Palestine and Transjordan
Frederick G. Clapp
Geosynclinal Boundary Faults
W. A. Ver Wiebe
Recent Discoveries and Present Oil Supply in California
Harold W. Hoots
Preliminary Report on the Fitts Pool, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma
Don L. Hyatt
Development and Production, East Texas District: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Wallace Ralston
Talco Field, Titus and Franklin Counties, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
E. A. Wendlandt
Position of Cambrian-Ordovician Boundary in Section of Arbuckle Limestone Exposed on Highway 77, Murray County, Oklahoma: DISCUSSION
Josiah Bridge
Petroleum Geology of Gondwana Rocks of Southern Brazil: DISCUSSION
Arthur Wade
Conroe Oil Field, Texas: DISCUSSION
Donald W. Gravell, Marcus A. Hanna