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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Estimation of Probable Value of Wildcat Land
E. L. Ickes
Hebron Gas Field, Potter County, Pennsylvania
John R. Reeves
Geology of Northwest Basin, Western Australia
D. Dale Condit , H. G. Raggatt , Eric A. Rudd
Upper Paleozoic Development of Nashville Dome, Tennessee
Charles W. Wilson, Jr. , E. L. Spain, Jr.
Use of Insoluble Residues for Correlation in Oklahoma
Hubert Andrew Ireland
Hardin Dome, Liberty County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
O. L. Brace
Radio Transmission and Geology: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Edmund M. Spieker
Ouachita Boulder Problem: DISCUSSION
W. A. J. M. van Waterschoot van der Gracht
Tectonics in Arbuckle and Ouachita Mountains: DISCUSSION
James H. Gardner