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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Studies of Source Beds in Oklahoma and Kansas
Parker D. Trask
Pennsylvanian Sedimentation in Arkansas Coal Field
Thomas A. Hendricks
Occurrence and Accumulation of Oil in Laredo District, Texas
Herschel H. Cooper
Orogeny of the Urals
Anatole Safonov
Evaluation of Petroleum in Oil Sands by Its Index of Refraction
Hollis D. Hedberg
Colorimetric Method of Determining Percentage of Oil in Cores
Donuil Hillis
Volume Relations in Open-Space Replacements
G. E. Anderson , C. A. Merritt
Geologic Significance of a Geothermal Gradient Curve: DISCUSSION
Alfred C. Lane
Geologic Significance of a Geothermal Gradient Curve: DISCUSSION
W. B. Lang