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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Stratigraphy of the Permian in Oklahoma and Kansas
Robert H. Dott
Major Divisions of Permian in Oklahoma and Southern Kansas
Darsie A. Green
Quartermaster Unconformity of Weatherford Area, Oklahoma: DISCUSSION
Noel Evans
Unconformity at Base of Whitehorse Formation, Oklahoma
Otto E. Brown
Lower Red-Beds of Kansas
George H. Norton
Discussions at Permian Conference Norman, Oklahoma May 8, 1937
Robert H. Dott
Ordovician Development, Sand Hills Structure, Crane County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
C. D. Cordry
"Black Sea" Conditions in the Arabian Sea: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
G. M. Lees
Oriskany Explorations in Pennsylvania and New York
S. H. Hamilton
Upper Cretaceous of Rocky Mountain Area: DISCUSSION
Charles E. Erdmann
Water-Insoluble Residues: ERRATUM
Ralph E. Taylor