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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Geological History of the East Indies
J. H. F. Umbgrove
Recent Oil Discoveries in Southeastern Illinois
Theron Wasson
The Medina and the Trenton of Western New York
Chris A. Hartnagel
Eleventh Annual Field Conference, Kansas Geological Society, September 2-6, 1937: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Joseph L. Borden
New Interpretation of Monongahela-Dunkard Contact, Washington County, Ohio: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
John C. Frye
Active Faulting in Lavaca County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Douglas E. Bell, V. A. Brill
Revision of Stratigraphy of Dry Creek and Golden Structures, Carbon County, Montana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Charles W. Wilson, Jr.
Discovery Rates in Oil Finding: DISCUSSION
F. F. Campbell
Quartermaster Unconformity of Weatherford Area, Oklahoma: ERRATUM
Noel Evans