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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Stratigraphy of Coastal Plain of Georgia
C. Wythe Cooke , Arthur C. Munyan
Recent Petroleum Activities in Coastal Plain of South Georgia
A. C. Munyan
Oil and Gas Possibilities in Atlantic Coastal Plain from New Jersey to Florida
Olive C. Postley
Scanlan, or Midway, Dome, Lamar County, Mississippi
D. J. Munroe
Application of Principle of Differential Settling to Tracing of Lenticular Sand Bodies
John L. Rich
Criteria for Determining the Time of Accumulation Under Special Circumstances
Stanley C. Herold
Stratigraphy of the Bendian of the Oklahoma Salient of the Ouachita Mountains
Bruce H. Harlton
Possible Nature of Limestone Reservoirs in the Permian Basin: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
H. P. Bybee
Subsurface Study of Cherokee Formation Near Kansas City, Missouri: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Glenn G. Bartle
Upper Paleozoic Chinati Series, Presidio County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
John W. Skinner
Custer Formation of Texas: DISCUSSION
Leroy T. Patton
Custer Formation of Texas: ERRATUM
Deepest Rocks at Jackson, Mississippi: DISCUSSION
Watson H. Monroe