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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Subsurface Geology of Chester Series in Illinois
L. E. Workman
Subsurface Geology of Iowa (Lower Mississippian) Series in Illinois
J. Norman Payne
The Type Permian: Its Classification and Correlation
Carl O. Dunbar
Carboniferous-Permian Boundary
Raymond C. Moore
Classification of Permian Rocks
C. W. Tomlinson, Raymond C. Moore, Robert H. Dott, M. G. Cheney, John Emery Adams
Oeloe Aer Fault Zone, Sumatra: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
J. Wyatt Durham
Economic and Statistical Aspects of the Petroleum Industry: STUDY GROUP REPORTS
R. J. Gonazalez
Geophysical Interpretation Report of Houston Geological Society Study Group: STUDY GROUP REPORTS
M. H. Billings
Sedimentation Report of Houston Geological Society Study Group: STUDY GROUP REPORTS
Michel T. Halbouty
Notes on the Frio Report of Houston Geological Society Study Group: STUDY GROUP REPORTS
M. C. Israelsky