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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Morrow Group of Adair County, Oklahoma
Carl A. Moore
Subsurface Miocene of Southern Louisiana
Alva C. Ellisor
New Rangia From Upper Miocene of Western Gulf Province
Julia Gardner
Ordovician Development, Apco Structure, Pecos County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Taylor Cole
Sejita Structure, Duval County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Carleton D. Speed, Jr.
Three New Interior Salt Domes in Northeast Louisiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Max Bornhauser , Lester R. Marshall
Barium in Appalachian Salt Brines: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
E. T. Heck
Recent Secondary Recovery of Oil in Ohio: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
E. V. O'Rourke
Source Rocks of Petroleum--A Symposium of Opinion: DISCUSSION
R. W. Pike et al.