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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Wildcat Drilling in 1939
Frederic H. Lahee
Developments in Eastern Interior Basin, 1939 and First Quarter of 1940
Alfred H. Bell
Deep-Sand Developments in Appalachian Region During 1939
Thurman H. Myers
Developments in Michigan During 1939
R. B. Newcombe
Developments in North Mid-Continent in 1939
Edward A. Koester , Robert F. Meyer
Developments in Oklahoma During 1939
E. F. Shea
Recent Developments in the South Mid-Continent
Lewis W. MacNaughton
Developments in West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico During 1939
Dana M. Secor , W. C. Fritz , W. W. West
Developments in North and West-Central Texas, 1939
Karl A. Mygdal
Developments in East Texas During 1939
H. J. McLellan , E. A. Wendlandt
Developments and Status of Oil Reserves in South Texas, 1939
L. B. Herring
Review of Developments in 1939, Gulf Coast of Upper Texas and Louisiana
O. L. Brace
Developments in Southern Arkansas and Northern Louisiana During 1939
Warren B. Weeks , Joseph Purzer
Developments in Rocky Mountain Region in 1939
C. E. Dobbin
Significant Developments in California, 1939
E. R. Atwill
Todd Ranch Discovery, Crockett County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
D. D. Christner
Are the "Omphalotrochus Beds" of the U.S.S.R. Permian?: DISCUSSION
J. Brookes Knight
Mississippian Border of Eastern Interior Basin: ERRATUM
J. Marvin Weller, A. H. Sutton