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AAPG Bulletin
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Symposium on New Ideas in Petroleum Exploration Petroleum Geology
A. I. Levorsen
Chemical Engineering in Petroleum Exploration and Production
P. E. Fitzgerald
Petroleum Engineering as an Aid in Exploration Geology
C. V. Millikan
E. A. Eckhardt
Where Will Young Graduates in Petroleum Geology Acquire Field Experience
Frederic H. Lahee
Symposium on Geochemical Exploration Geochemical Prospecting for Petroleum
Esme Eugene Rosaire
Discussion of Geochemical Exploration (Soil Analysis)
E. E. Rosaire, Eugene McDermott, R. H. Fash
Critical Survey of Recent Developments in Geochemical Prospecting
Sylvain J. Pirson
Hydrogenation of Oil: Suggested Natural Source of Hydrogen: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
E. T. Heck
Our Experience With the Underground Storage of Gas (The Manufacturers Light and Heat Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania): GEOLOGICAL NOTES
E. O. Schillhahn
Our Experience With the Underground Storage of Gas (The Peoples Natural Gas Company): GEOLOGICAL NOTES
F. H. Finn
Discovery of Oil in Ellenburger Formation, K.M.A. Oil Field, Wichita County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Vernon E. Autry
Henderson Pool Discovery, Clay County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
George P. Hardison
Log of Wildcat Well, Union County, Iowa: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. E. McHugh