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AAPG Bulletin
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Miocene of Caliente Range and Environs, California
J. E. Eaton , U. S. Grant , H. B. Allen
Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy of a Deep Well at Niceville, Okaloosa County, Florida
R. Hendee Smith
Pre-Cambrian Zeolite-Opal Sediments in Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma
C. A. Merritt , W. E. Ham
La Rosa Field, Refugio County, Texas
Barney Fisher
Midland, Texas, Insoluble Residue Study Group: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Taylor Cole
Miocene Fishes in Well Cores from Torrance in Southern California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Lore David
Age of Abyssal Deposits of East Indian Archipelago: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Carl C. Branson
Barataria Field, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Al Ferrando , H. T. Richardson
Future of Field Geology: DISCUSSION
R. Dana Russell